We Are Committed To Work Consistently And Persistently,Taking Steps Toward Our Business GoalsCommitments With A Sense Of Honesty,Productivity And Consistency.
Our Financial Technology Helps Our Merchants Get TheFive Purpose-Built Theme Communities,RIGHT Products And Services To The RIGHT CustomersLifestyle & InnovationTo Fulfil Your Needs And Requirements.Continuous Care For Retired Communities with
Investment & DevelopmentDevelopment & Global TradeGlobal Trade & Essential GoodsSANDWAVE GLOBAL HOLDING LIMITED

Is a diversified organisation comprises of several subsidiaries and associated companies in Malaysia and China

B3-2-11, Solaris Dutamas,
1, Jalan Dutamas 1,
50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
T: 603-64129763
F: 603-64129796
E: info@sandwavegroup.com
B3-2-11, Solaris Dutamas,
1, Jalan Dutamas 1,
50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
T: 603-64129763
F: 603-64129796
E: info@sandwavegroup.com